Tetapi, sekiranya anda ingin menjadi jutawan, anda memerlukan mentor-mentor Jutawan!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tetapi, sekiranya anda ingin menjadi jutawan, anda memerlukan mentor-mentor Jutawan!
Monday, March 29, 2010
A New Day Has Come....
So today, I've got something to share with you guys...
I only love to share this with those people who's really want to CHANGE- not only change but to IMPROVE their standard of living..to earn more than usual...$$$$$$$$$...
If you interested just click the links provided below, just one click..who's know it'll change you life...You never know until you try....All the best!!!!
Marya Yusof
Malay Version:
Salam semua!!! Dah lama saya tak update blog ni kan...ya, sejak kebelakangan ni saya sgt sibuk dgn kerja2 harian, tambahan lagi menjadi ibu dan isteri yg bekerja sambil menjalankan business sampingan bukannye satu tugas yg mudah...kadang-kala saya menjadi terlalu penat & letih tetapi ia tidak mematahkan semangat saya untuk terus berjuang..walaubagaimanapun
saya rasa sangat gembira dengan hasil yg dperolehi dari kerja keras saya dan suami tersayang...
Hari ini, saya rasa sgt berbesar hati untuk berkongsi dengan anda semua...
Saya ingin berkongsi hanya dengan orang yang benar2 inginkan perubahan dalam hidup mereka...Berubah untuk memajukan diri serta mendapat lebih dari biasa...$$$$$$$$...
Sekiranya anda berminat, cume klik link dibwh ni...siapa tahu dengan satu klik hidup anda akan berubah seperti yg dharapkan...Insya'Allah...Semoga Berjaya!!!
Salam sayang,
Marya Yusof
Friday, February 5, 2010
New Stuff To Beautify Your Car
1 set @ RM 65.00-SOLD
1 set @ RM 68.00
1 set @ RM 65.00
Thursday, February 4, 2010
More About Bio-Aura
Selaras dengan kemajuan Nano, Bio Aura Hi-Tech Water System turut menggabungkan inovasi saintifik dalamnya. Dengan Nano, ia dapat mencapai fungsi membersih, mengalkali dan memberi tenaga kepada air yang diminum secara optimum.
Penapis A : Penapis Seramik
Liang yang bersaiz 0.9 mikron mencapai tahap penapisan sehingga 99.999%. Dapat menyingkir bahan pencemar seperti karat, kotoran, pasir lumpur dan bakteria.
Penapis B : Bacteriostatic Filter Media
Menghilangkan bau yang tidak menyenangkan, warna, rasa, bahan pencuci dan elemen-elemen kotor yang lain untuk mengelakkan daripada pertumbuhan bakteria.
Penapis C : KDF + Resin + Activated Carbon Block
Activated Carbon Block dan penukar ion berlogam KDF memenuhi piawaian US EPA dan FDA National Safety Standards dapat menapis unsur logam berat, klorin, pencemar kimia, di samping mengawal kestabilan air, bakteria dan rumpair. Unsur Resin pula akan melembutkan molekul air dan mempunyai kesan untuk menghasilkan bahan-bahan mineral.
Penapis D : Silver Carbon Block
Memenuhi Piawaian Keselamatan Antarabangsa. Memiliki fungsi penyerapan yang tinggi, berupaya untuk menyerap atau menyingkirkan unsure logam berat, bahan-bahan radioaktif, bahan kimia dan racun serangga.
Penapis E : Bio Mikro Ball
Teknologi penukar tenaga memecahkan molekul air kepada kelompok air yang lebih kecil secara berkesan supaya dapat diserap dengan senang oleh tubuh badan manusia. Lebih-lebih lagi, ia meningkatkan kapasiti air untuk membekalkan kandungan oksigen.
Penapis F : Bio Mikro Ball + Nano Ceramic Ball
Penstabil tenaga berteknologi Nano mengekalkan dan menstabilkan kandungan tenaga dalam saiz molekul air yang kecil untuk tempoh masa yang panjang. Ia berupaya untuk menyelaraskan sifat air lebih cenderung kepada beralkali yang baik untuk tubuh badan, menggalakkan metabolisme, mengaktifkan sel-sel badan untuk menguatkan imunisasi dan fungsi detoksifikasi.
Sistem “Bio Aura” telah diuji dan diperakui oleh SIRIM.
Penapis air Bio Aura dipasang di kepala paip dan ia boleh terus diminum tanpa dimasak.
Bio Aura Hi-Tech Water System Filter
Price : RM 2,000.00
Complete Solution for Your Needs
Bio Aura Hi-Tech Water System combines the scientific innovation inside it. With Nano, the water system cleans, alkalize and provide energy to the drinking water.
Special characteristic of Bio Aura:
- Simple modeling, convenient for demolition and installation
- Easy installation
- Filter cover with different color
- Bigger filter
- Recognized quality
- Applicable for use in: house, office, factory and food store
- Effectiveness of Nano in Bio Aura Hi-Tech Water System
- Effective water filtration system, increases oxygen content of water, provides better absorption of nutrients
- Rich in mineral and nutrients, helps to maintain slightly alkaline human body
- Stimulates metabolism and promotes blood circulation
- Maintain smooth and beautiful skin and the freshness of food
Monday, January 25, 2010
Cara Pemakaian Premium Beautiful
3. Teknik pemakaian bengkung (waist nipper) adalah sedikit mencabar. Anda perlu mencanggukkan pakaian dalaman ini..Seterusnya pasti girdle, long bra, waist nipper selari. Ini dapat ditentukan dengan melihat 3 berlian pada pakaian dalaman itu kedudukannya selari. Apabila sudah selari, anda perlu:-
1. menarik tali bengkung itu sekuat-kuatnya
2.anda perlu menyilang tali tersebut. yang kiri ke kanan dan yang kanan ke kiri
3. seterusnya. masukkan baki tali pada lubang tali yang berkenaan...Nah, anda pasti melihat hasilnya...
What is Far Infrared Ray (FIR)?
Far Infrared (FIR) Healing Medical Facts and Research Data From Japan And Other Sources. Over the last 25 years, Japanese and Chinese researchers and clinicians have completed extensive research on far infrared medical treatments and report many amazing discoveries. In Japan, there is an 'infrared society' composed of medical doctors and physical therapists dedicated to further infrared research. Their findings support the health benefits of far infrared therapy as a method of healing.
1) Far Infrared therapy increases blood circulation and oxygen supply to damaged tissues (aiding reduction of chronic joint and muscle pain or sport injuries), promotes relaxation and comfort, induces sleep and relieves stress.
2) German medical researchers concluded one session of far infrared therapy for over 1 hour can have significant reduction of blood pressure thanks to a persistent peripheral vessels dilation. They also noted that blood viscosity was improved. After 1 hour of far infrared radiance, there is a significant decrease of blood pressure - cardiac ejection resistance - total peripheral resistance - and significant increase of heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, and ejection fraction.
3)Pneumonia-C. Dunson, a Lymphologist in Utah reported that within 15 minutes of a client being treated with FIR and lymphology therapy, their pneumonia was cleared. Infrared therapy in both Japan and China has proven to be outstanding for asthma, bronchitis, colds, flu, sinusitis and congestion as it clears inflammation, swelling and mucous clogged passages, as testified to in Dr. Kyuo's book below.
4)Dr. Sasaki Kyuo, M.D. has done extensive research on the therapeutic uses of far infrared therapy. She is the author of "The Scientific Basis and Therapeutic Benefits of Far Infrared Ray Therapy' - which presents the clinical effects of far infrared ray therapy. Besides cancer , Dr. Kyuo reports continual successful treatments of many other diseases by use of FIR waves - treatments not only by her but also by many other doctors. The list of diseases - documented in her book - includes stress induced chronic diarrhea, abdominal distention, ulcerated large intestines, gastritis, facial numbness, hemorrhoids, shoulder, back, and knee pain, rheumatism, hypertension, diabetes, weight loss, breast and abdominal tumors, low blood pressure, asthma, anemia, burns and scalds, body odor, early onset of baldness, fracture of cervical vertebra, radiation exposure and related diseases.
Far Infrared Therapy:
*Improves micro circulation by exerting strong rotational and vibrational effects at molecular level.
*Enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients in the blood cell to the body's soft tissue areas.
*Promotes regeneration and fast healing.
*Increases metabolism between blood and tissue.
*Enhances white blood cell function, thereby increasing immune response and the elimination of foreign pathogens and cellular waste products.
*Removes accumulated toxins by improving lymph circulation which are often at the core of many health problems.
*Stimulate the hypothalamus, which controls the production of neurochemicals involved in such biological processes as sleep, mood, pain sensations, and blood pressure.
5)A clinical trial in Japan reported a successful solution for seven out of seven cases of rheumatoid arthritis treated with whole-body far infrared therapy.
Dr. Masao Nakamura of the O and P Medical Clinic in Japan reports success with the use of far infrared heat treatment for the following:
-Ear Diseases.
-Gastroenteric Problems.
-Shoulder Stiffness.
-Aging and Far Infrared Heat Therapy.
The following health challenges have been reported in Japan to be alleviated or reduced by the use of far infrared therapy:
· Asthma, bronchitis (cleared up).
· Rheumatoid arthritis (7 out of 10 cases resolved in one clinical trial).
· Benign prostatic hypertrophy (reduced).
· Cancer pain (greatly relieved pain in later stages).
· Cirrhosis of the liver (reversed).
· Chrone's Disease (gone).
· Cold hand and feet (a physical therapist discovered 20-50% improvement was maintained).
· Cystitis (gone).
· Duodenal ulcers (eliminated).
· Compression fracture pain.
· Gastritis (relieved).
· Hemorrhoids (reduced).
· Hepatitis (gone).
· High blood pressure (in the case of a diabetic a systolic decrease from 180 to 125 +
· concurrent weight loss).
· Keloids (significantly softened and, in some cases, completely gone).
· Leg ulcers (healed when previously static and resistant to other care).
· Menopause.
· Pain preventing sleep or limiting sleeping positions (relieved).
· Post-surgical adhesions (reduced).
· Radiation sickness (relieved signs and symptoms). · Sequel of strokes (Herniparesis relieved over time).
Musculo-skeletal Improvements with Far Infrared HeatSuccess has been reported from infrared treatments by Japanese researchers for the following musculo-skeletal conditions:
>Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatoid, DJD (each substantially relieved or improved).
>Adhesions (common in competitive athletes, trauma, and repetitive stress syndromes).
>TMJ Arthritis.
>Acel-Decel Injury Sequelae.
>Low-Back Pain (relieved).
>Bursitis (eliminated).
>Brain Contusion (accelerated healing).
>Disc-Protrusion Related Neuralgia.
>Compression Fractures (in one situation pain stopped for three days with one treatment).
>Muscle Tension (relaxed).
>Muscle Spasms (reduced or eliminated).
>Post-Exercise Muscle Pain (good results - vital to competitive athletes).
>Shoulder pain (relieved or improved).
>Spinal Chord Shock (reversed post traumatic shock).
>Tight Shoulders (more relaxed).
>Traumatic Arthritis.
>Ear, Nose, and Throat Conditions Relieved with Far Infrared HeatThe Japanese report the following ear, nose, and throat conditions relieved with far infrared heat treatments:
>Body Odor.
>Chronic middle-ear inflammation of infection.
>Clogged pores (unplugged of cosmetics, unexcelled skin texture and tone).
>Dandruff (increased blood flow through the scalp).
>Eczema and Psoriasis (respond well).
>Lacerations (healed quicker with less pain and scarring).
>Nettle rash.
>Nose bleeding (reduced).
>Skin Conditions (improved).
>Teenage skin problems (clearing acne and blackheads).
>Poor skin tone - Scars and pain from burns or wounds (decreased in severity and extent).
>Sore throats.
>Tinitus (chronic severe case cleared with 10 infrared treatments).
>Used routinely in burn units throughout Asia.
Friday, January 22, 2010
...aLL aBOUT pEARLS...
Bentuk : Bentuk mutiara ada yang bulat, titisan air dan baroq (tidak beraturan). Bentuk bulat lebih tinggi nilainya.
Warna : Paling mahal adalah Mutiara Kristal Swarovski atau Mutiara Swarovski berwarna hitam dari lautan Tahiti. Lainnya adalah Mutiara Kristal Swarovski berwarna natural seperti putih, coklat dan peach.
Kilau : Semakin berkilau, makin tinggi harganya. Kilau ini sudah ada sejak awal pembentukannya kerana bergantung kepada kualiti mineral yang membentuknya pada peringkat dalam tiram lagi.
> Elakkan daripada terkena minyak wangi, sabun, krim badan dan bahan peluntur.
> Elakkan mutiara daripada terkena peluh kerana ia boleh memberi tindakbalas kimia terhadap warnanya. Justeru sekiranya kerap dipakai, pastikan ianya sentiasa dicuci.
> Pastikan eksesori mutiara disimpan dalam keadaan kering. Lap menggunakan kain lembut atau tisu sebelum disimpan.
> Usah disimpan aksesori mutiara di tempat yang lembap seperti plastik dan sebagainya, kerana ia boleh memudarkan warnanya.
Petikan dari akhbar Berita Harian 23 Dis 2009
***Mutiara asli tidak akan terbakar apabila dibakar ataupun dikenakan nyalaan api.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Crystal Bracelet
Necklace, Bracelet & Locket
Code : New Brown Set
Price : RM 110.00
Condition : Brand New
Status : SOLD
Code : MS 1 ( Green set)
Price : RM 90.00
Condition : Brand New
Status : SOLD
Code : MS 1 (Blue Set)
Price : RM 90.00
Condition : Brand New
Status : SOLD
Code : New Pink Set
Price : RM 120.00
Condition : Brand New
Status : SOLD
Code : New Purple Kids Set
Price : RM 60.00
Condition : Brand New
Status : SOLD
Code : New Blue Kids Set
Price : RM 60.00
Condition : Brand New
Status : SOLD
Code : MS 10 (Orange Set w/out Locket)
Price : 80.00
Condition : Brand New
Status : SOLD
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Premium Beautiful Corset
PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL FOUNDATION LINGERIE - creating a perfect contour and well-balanced posture. Ensure that you can achieve immediate desirable results safely without medication and operation.
Materials used to manufacture Premium Beautiful:
Cut based on the body's three-dimensional design using stereoscopic infrared rays for absolute presicion and delicacy. It helps blood circulation and metabolism creating complete synergy with the human body.
Excellent in absorbing sweat and allowing air circulation. It can be washed with ease while retaining its durability over time.
Can be stretched in all directions, its 360 degree elasticity fully accommodates the body's activity without losing any of the original shape.
The infrared rays help improve the elasticity and firmness of the breasts while promoting their development.
Price for 1 Set: Small Size (S-M)~ RM 2,400.00
Large Size(L-XXXL)~ RM 2,600.00
Payment Mode : Cash (Negotiable) @ Installment RM 100/24 mth via SI (Bank Standing Instruction)
Status : SOLD OUT